Fascia, Cellulite, and Recovery with Tamara Renee

I had to have Tamara on Midlife Conversations to talk all about fascia in midlife. With over 30 years of experience in the aging well space, she is transforming not just how we look, but also how we FEEL as we age. She is one of the first people who actually taught me about nutrition over two decades ago! Most of us understand that nutrition and activity plays an important role in our overall health, but fascia creates another important layer in our health that has been ignored for so long because it took so long to learn about and acknowledge it. 

Hack your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut Review with The Gut Genie

This episode dives into the significance of gut health, exploring the connections between gut microbiome, chronic infections, nutrient deficiencies, and toxins. Laura Frontiero, also known as The Gut Genie, shares her insights on the importance of addressing gut health as a foundation before pursuing other treatments. The conversation covers a wide range of topics, including the misconceptions about parasites, the impact of dietary choices on gut health, and practical advice for individuals struggling with digestion and absorption issues. Through analogies and personal experiences, the speakers aim to demystify complex health concepts and encourage listeners to prioritize their gut health for overall well-being.

Aging Well and Biohacking with Kim Lyons

We get a lot of messages from women in midlife who seem to have simply given up on life. They have a ton of stories that are NOT aided by the masses and the media. But it does NOT have to be that way! No, it’s not just aging! It doesn’t HAVE TO BE LIKE THAT! And no, it’s not all about looks. It’s about the labs, the aches, the pains, your HEALTH and vitality. 

Optimizing our Health and Digestion with BIOptimizers

You all have learned by now if you follow me and the podcast that gut health is CRITICAL for our health. I was experiencing a whole bunch of mysterious symptoms that I was just chalking up to “aging badly” in perimenopause and menopause. You’ve heard me talk about gut testing, and getting rid of parasites, and removing toxins – you name it. But I wanted to dive deeper into WHY we need to do certain things like HCL, probiotics, etc. Wade and Matt are the founders of BIOptimizers and I am excited to have them on today to talk about just that! 

Is It SIBO Creating Our Symptoms with Shivan Sarna

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is the presence of excessive bacteria in the small intestine and can be the cause of chronic diarrhea and malabsorption – which leads to the potential to suffer with nutritional deficiencies and osteoporosis. What happens is that it harms the migrating motor complex, which is a sweeping motion in the small intestines that sweeps out bacteria and debris.